Need A Buddy
Every member of the Buddies Group is qualified in a special way in that they have all had or have Prostate Cancer and have been through the subsequent treatments. We have introduced our Prostate Partners D&G group for mutual support between wives/partners and loved ones.
Have you been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer?
Are you undergoing treatment for Prostate Cancer or Disease?
You may have seen our poster, and outside & inside in various outlets across the region, encouraging you to come along to one of our open meetings where you can talk in a relaxed and informal way, and where requested confidentially, about any concerns you have.
Do you feel you need to speak to someone about your recent diagnosis or about concerns you have about Prostate Cancer or Prostate Disease?
Don’t worry, that is what we are here for. Prostate Buddies D&G are here to support you and your wife/partner and loved ones if you have been recently diagnosed with or are undergoing treatment for Prostate Cancer/Disease.
If you feel you need a private chat before attending one of our monthly meetings, you can now call our Support Line on 07856 899411 and speak in private to one of the Buddies.
Maybe you need a buddy?
A buddy is: Someone Who;
- Has had prostate cancer and the treatments.
- Will listen and give support, drawing on experience.
- Is trained as a ‘Buddy’.
- Will guide you to the information you need.
- Every Buddy is qualified in a special way in that they have had or have Prostate Cancer and been through the subsequent treatments. So please come along for a chat, we are sure talking things through will help. All meetings are free and attendees may visit as often as they wish. Who knows, you may want to volunteer yourself
The Benefits of being in a Support Group
Just diagnosed and wondering whether you should try a support group? A bit sceptical whether they can help at all?
Read how one man’s mind was changed…(courtesy of
“I’m a firm advocate of support groups, but I wasn’t always. Before being diagnosed I had preconceived ideas about them up to when I sceptically tried one 5 years ago. I then tried a few more for good measure and I’ve now ended up as a regular attendee at two very different groups. I like both for different reasons and I’ve got loads out of going to them, not least making new friends and finding out stuff I’d never have got to hear about otherwise. I have found them to be a bit like pubs because one big thing they have in common is that they’re all different from each other. I mention that because I still meet people with cancer who’ve tried loads of different pubs but they’ve either never been to a support group at all or they’ve tried one, didn’t like it so never went back, despite all the studies that show that people who do go are the ones who have better outcomes.
I wonder how many of us would never go to a pub again based on just one that we didn’t like? Doctors and all the other health professionals are a massive part of the information equation with their years of training behind them and from their having read lots of books but, usually, they haven’t had any type of cancer nor any of the treatments. That leaves them without the insight that can only come from personal experience. So, along with everything else that support groups provide, I’ve found them to be an invaluable forum of people with personal understanding of what I’m going through because they’ve been through similar themselves, and that complements what I get from my medical team. Some groups are open to any man with prostate cancer, even if they’re attached to a hospital. Others are just for that hospital’s patients, but there are quite a few that aren’t connected to any hospital. Whichever sort they are many groups encourage partners to come, too.”